About Us

Our passion

We apply AI technology to simplify the lives of tax professionals worldwide. We focus on the most time-consuming and monotonous aspects of any tax preparation - data. Collecting. Processing. Categorizing. Labeling. Analyzing. Verifying. And validating data.

Our Product

We are creating a universal tool designed for use by in-house tax professionals, which will seamlessly integrate into their existing processes. Our product is complementary, not competitive, with current tax service providers, making it an appealing addition for any company or firm engaged in tax services.

Our focus

Our focus is on developing a specialized in-house tax tool that seamlessly integrates with established systems and complements existing tax services. Designed to boost efficiency, our tool simplifies data processing, provides an intuitive user experience for all skill levels, and offers scalable solutions for any firm, regardless of size.

Our goal

Our goal is to position our company as a global leader in tax processing solutions. We aim to continually evolve by embracing technological advancements and integrating state-of-the-art AI and machine learning to streamline and automate the more complex facets of tax compliance.

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